
Balan Hill Glamping__ Furry Kids Notice

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Balan Hill Glamping__ Furry Kids Notice

   Balan Hill Glamping__ Furry Kids Notice

1) Guests are welcome to take their furry kids together to come to Balan Hill Glamping. Please read carefully before check in, and make sure you can accept.

2) Please do not leave your furry kids alone in the tent.

3) Before entering the tent, please clean their feet and do not go on human beds. Furry kids have no habit of pee or poo at designated spots. Please use pee pads to maintain the cleanliness in the guest room and environment. If a furry kid defecates on bedding, furniture, or carpets, parents will be required to compensate according to the price list depending on the degree of damage.

4) Do not allow your furry kid to enter other tents or leave the activity area unattended. When engaging in outdoor activities, furry kids must be on leash at all time to avoid disturbing others.

5) Please be sure to clean your furry kids’ pee and poo. Please do not allow furry kids to pee and poo indoor. Please don’t blow or comb your furry kids indoor as well.

6) Please ensure the volume of your furry kids and let’s work together to maintain the quality of the campus.

7) Furry kids are not allowed to use human cups, bowls, and plates in the tent or restaurant.

8) If you want to get close to other furry kids, please ask their parents first. If there is a dispute between furry kids, please help to calm and coordinate them.

9) Pet registration and rabies prevention vaccination must be completed before entering the campus, and anti-flea and parasitic infection prevention drugs must be applied in advance.

10)Infectious diseases, illnesses, aggression, and young furry kids are not allowed to enter the campus.

11)Campus is not responsible for taking care of pets, nor does it provide pet sitting services.

12)If the furry kids cause harm to other guests or furry kid in the campus, please coordinate the follow-up matters on your own.